Sunday, May 22, 2011


Just got back from Hungary where Karl was presenting at a conference.  As always, a furry bear makes friends fast.  Below Karl's co-worker, Mike, shares a local Dreher beer with me.  Dinner was a tasty catfish paprika with cream cheese-dill spatzl.

It's been 10 years since Debbie and I visited Budapest on a cold and cloudy weekend in December.  Now I got a chance to go back to Buda Hill and view the city on a warm, sunny day.  Below I look out from the parapets of Buda Castle down to the Danube River and the Hungarian Parliment Building on the far side (right). 

 While up on Buda Hill, Karl photographed me with some ancient statues.  I'll have to do some research to find out who they were, but they were life-sized with great mustaches.

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