Sunday, November 20, 2011

Plone Conference 2011

Karl and Schlepp made it to the World Plone Conference this year, the first time in 3 years.  It was being held in San Francisco, across the Bay from Berkeley and south of Sonoma where we were 2 years ago.  On Saturday night, there was a party at a place called Treasure Island where Schlepp met all kinds of nice people. 

In the pictures below the lucky bear is seen at the conference party with (top to bottom, left to right) Debbie, Chrissie Wainwright, Elizabeth Leddy, Alexander Limi, and Matt Hamilton.Chrissie was Debbie's instructor, Liz was a key conference organizer, Alex founded Plone, and Matt is the Plone Foundation President this year.

They had loud music, battling robots, and this huge pink flamingo.  Not your typical bear habitat. 

Don't know where next year's conference will be, but Schlepp is already planning on attending.